您的位置:黄埔信息网 >生活常识 > before是什么意思(before到底是理解为之前还是理解为之后)


时间:2021-04-18 01:39:10来源:黄埔信息网



1、You must learn to consult your feelings and your reasonbeforeyou reach any decision.


2、It won’t be longbeforehe returns to his native land.


3、A whole month had passedbeforeshe fully recovered.


4、 If you miss this chance, it may be yearsbefore you get another one.


5、 We need to get to the root of the problembeforewe can solve it.


6、 There is only one more day to gobeforeyour favorite music group play live.



以上六个句子都是“before” 引导的从句做时间状语,英语状语位置灵活,而汉语状语都是前置的,换句话说就是我们国人喜欢按部就班站在时间的起点看问题,而英美人则喜欢先讲事物的结果,再讲事物发生的时间。学外语,我们要懂得换位思考,当我们使用英语时要把before理解为之前,当我们译成汉语时,根据汉语的习惯,要把before理解为“之后”或者是“来不及”。比如Someone called me at midnight, but it hung up before I could answer it.(午夜有人打电话来,我还没来得及接就挂了。)

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