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other什么意思(other, the other, others, the others与another的用法完全解析)

时间:2021-04-14 00:27:54来源:黄埔信息网

other什么意思(other, the other, others, the others与another的用法完全解析)other, the other, others, the others与another的用法完全解析

1. other表示“别的,其它的”,它不能单独使用,后面必须要接可数名词的复数形式。如:

He studies English, math and some other subjects. 他学习英语、数学和一些别的科目。


I'll wear my other shoes─these are dirty.



I rang her the other day and she said she'd like to come round


The other evening we had a party.


Their food is adequate. It includes meat at least every other day, vegetables and fruit


Now that their children have grown up she joins Paddy in London every other week.


The same will apply in every other country.


He would have to accept it; there was no other way


You deliberately went in the other direction


other, the other, others, the others与another的用法完全解析

2. the other多指“两者中的另一个”,也可以指三者及以上中剩下的最后一个。可以独立使用,也可以在后面接上名词。如:

(1)One of the twins likes apples, the other likes oranges. 这对双胞胎一个喜欢苹果,另一个喜欢桔子。


(2)Four of the five boys are good at English, but the other isn’t. 这五个男孩中,有四个人英语都学得好,但另外那一个学得不好。

本句就不止两个人,但只要是剩下的一个,都使用the other. 当然,我们也可以在the other后面加上名词boy.

3. others 表复数,泛指“别人;别的东西”,它就相当于other+名词复数,因此它的后面不能再接名词。如果句中前面出现了some,后面通常就会用others,即构成“Some…others…”的结构, 这时也可以翻译成“有的……有的……”。如:

(1)Some students are dancing, others are singing. 一些学生在跳舞,其他的在唱歌。

这句话也可以翻译成“学生们有的在跳舞,有的在唱歌”。Others就相当于other students.

(2)Tom likes helping others. 汤姆喜欢帮助别人。

4. the others 也表复数, 特指“别人;别的东西”,它相当于the other+名词复数,它后面不接名词。

Others是泛指,而the others是特指,怎么理解呢?如果排除一个不确定的数量,剩下的就用others,如上面的some students, some就是一个不确定的数量,所以剩下的数量也就不确定了,于是就用others来泛指。如果排除一个确定的数量,剩下的就应该用the others来特指。如:

Five students are dancing, the others are singing. 有五个学生在跳舞,其他的在唱歌。

本句中排除的学生是5个,这是一个确定的数量,于是后面也就用the others 来特指。当然,the others 也可以写成the other students.

5. another表三者及以上中的“再一,另一”个,后接单数名词。这个单词本来就是“an other”两个单词的连写,所以它的前面不可能再用上冠词an. 如:

(1)Have an another cup of coffee, please. 请再喝一杯咖啡。(错误,不能用an)

(2)Have another cup of coffee, please.请再喝一杯咖啡。(正确)

本句中如果用the other来代替another, 那意思就暗含这个主人一共只有两杯咖啡,客人喝了一杯,再请他喝另外的那一杯。意思当然就不对了

6. another后还可以接“数词+名词复数”,这时是把“数词+名词复数作为一个整体来看待的。如:

She had to stay here for another ten days。她只好又在这儿呆了十天。


Continue down the same road for another 2 kilometres until you reach the church of SantaMaria



He believes prices will not rise by more than another 4 per cent.


‘Finished?’ ‘No, I've got another three questions to do.’


We've still got another (= a further) forty miles to go.


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