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时间:2016-10-31 22:04:00来源:黄埔信息网


Menu Guide Bifteck au poivre: Steak with pepper sauce :牛排加胡椒汁 Blanquette de Veau: Veal stew :红烧宰牛 Bouillabaisse: Fish and shellfish stew ―― specialty of Provence :闷鱼和贝类—用普罗旺斯地区的专业做法 Boeuf Bourgignon: Beef stewed in red wine :红酒烧牛肉 Caneton a l"Orange: Roasted duck with orange sauce :橙汁烤鸭 Cassoulet: Beans stewed with chicken, sausage, and goose, or any variety meats :青豆烧鸡,肠和鹅或者任何肉类 Champignon: Mushrooms :蘑菇 Clafoutis aux Cerises: Cherry cake similar to a dense, upside-down cake : 密集樱桃蛋糕,颠倒制水果蛋糕 Coq au Vin: Chicken cooked in wine :葡萄酒烧鸡 Creme Caramel: Egg custard with caramel sauce (caramelized sugar) :鸡蛋羹加糖浆(焦糖) Crepes Suzette: Dessert crepes (thin pancakes) drenched in orange sauce and flamed with cognac and Grand Marnier :甜点薯片(薄饼)粘橙汁和用白兰地点燃的小火焰坛 Crudites: Variety of fresh, raw vegetable salads :多钟时令蔬菜和生肉的沙拉 Escargots a la Bourgignonne: Snails in garlic butter :大蒜黄油烧大蜗牛 Fromages: Cheeses :干酪 Gateau: Cake :蛋糕 Lapin: Rabbit :兔子 Moules a la Mariniere: Mussels cooked in wine-based broth :葡萄酒炖贝类汤 Mousse au Chocolat: Rich chocolate dessert made with eggs and cream : 浓郁巧克力和鸡蛋,奶油制成甜点 Omelette aux fines herbes: Omelet with herbs :香草煎蛋卷 Pains: Breads :面包 Pate: Ground meats seasoned with cognac and herbs and baked firm :用白兰地和香草烘焙肉干 Poissons: Fish :鱼 Pommes Frites: French-fried potatoes (also called frites) :法式油炸土豆 Potage Creme d"Asperges: Asparagus soup :芦笋汤 Poulet Roti: Roast chicken :烘烤鸡肉 Quiche a Lorraine: Eggs and cream baked in a pie crust topped with cheese and bacon — specialty of Alsace :用鸡蛋和奶油一起烘烤的培根干酪馅饼—阿尔萨斯特殊做法 Ratatouille: Provencal vegetable dish based primarily on eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes :普罗旺斯蔬菜拼盘,上面有茄子,南瓜和西红柿 Ris de veau: Sweetbreads (from veal) :牛杂碎 Salade Frisee: Endive salad :菊苣色拉 Savarin: Molded yeasted cake soaked in rum syrup :发酵蛋糕沾朗姆酒 Sole Meuniere: Sole baked with butter sauce :单片烤肉摸黄油 Sorbet: Fruit-based ice similar to sherbet :水果冻 Soufle au Fromage: poofy, baked egg custard with cheese :干酪加烤蛋 Soup a l"Oignon: Brothy onion soup topped with bread and cheese :干酪和面包放洋葱肉汤上 Steak Frites: Fried steak typically served with"french-fried" potatoes : 煎牛排,同时供应法式炸土豆 Tarte aux Fraise: Strawberry pie :草莓小馅饼 Tarte a l"Oignon: Onion pie — specialty of Alsace :洋葱小馅饼—阿尔萨斯做法 Viandes: Meats : 肉类

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