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think of me歌词 和它背后的那些事

时间:2016-07-01 17:03:00来源:黄埔信息网

Think of me

Think of me fondly

When we've said goodbye

Remember me, once in a while

Please promise me you'll try

When you find that

Once again

You long to take your heart back and be free

If you ever find a moment

Spare a thought for me

We've never said our love was evergreen

Or as unchanging as the sea

But if you can still remember

Stop and think of me

Think of all the things we've shared and seen

Don't think about the way things might have been

Think of me

Think of me waking

Silent and resigned

Imagine me

Trying too hard to put you from my mind

Recall those days

Look back on all those times

Think of the things we'll never do

There will never be a day

When I won't think of you

Can it be

Can it be Christine


Long ago

It semms long ago

How young and innocent we were

She may not remember me

But I remember her

Flower fade,the fruits of summer fade

They have their seasons and so do we

But please promise me that sometimes

You will think

Oooooo~f me

这首歌曲是著名音乐剧《歌剧魅影》(the phantom of opera)中的一首歌曲,一首咏叹调,演唱者为电影女主角克里斯汀。主要抒发对离开恋人的思念与不舍,剧中女主人公在首场独唱中以此歌出现,赢得了满场掌声,同样让自己少时好友(or恋人)劳尔想起来了自己,随后劳尔向其求婚。但是一直深爱克里斯蒂的Phantom很伤心,认为克里斯蒂背叛了他,所以带走了女主人公。

歌手介绍:Little Milton可能不是一个家喻户晓的名字,但铁杆布鲁斯迷们知道他是一个很优秀的全能布鲁斯艺人-----一个深情的歌手,一个动人的吉他手,一个成功的作曲家,乐队指挥。

James Milton Campbell 出生1934年9月7日,在因弗内斯小三角洲硕士镇,在格林维尔长大。他的父亲大米尔顿,一个农民,一个当地布鲁斯音乐家,因此Milton从小就听Grand Ole Opry电台节目。 12岁时,他开始弹吉他,并省下打零工的钱购邮自己的乐器。到了15岁,开始在当地的俱乐部和酒吧表演。


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